Friday, January 16, 2009

Whats Needed For Moonstone Ring? Maplestory


Marco Lillo for "The Express"

radiates optimism and efficiency, the official website of the Organising Committee of the World Championships Rome 2009. Six months after the festival you can already book tickets and passes. On July 18, sixteen days to Rome will be flooded by 2000 and 500 athletes will compete under the colors of 170 nations with a single click you can book right now place in the sun to see the Seven of Diamonds of water polo or synchronized the mermaids.

John Malaga - Copyright Pizzi

If work continues with these rhythms, however, would be better, prior to purchase, carry a chair and perhaps an inflatable pool. The swimming stadium that would host these games today does not exist. Monday, January 12 'L'Espresso' has entered the construction site of the future plants which should be the calling card of Italy sport and saw a scene reminiscent of Ground Zero.

addition to the pools of old cones, just refreshed (but still complete) is not traccia dei nuovi impianti che dovrebbero sorgere al posto del glorioso stadio Centrale. Il palazzo del Foro Italico rappresentava già un ripiego rispetto all'idea iniziale dell'allora sindaco Walter Veltroni di edificare una città dello sport nel campus di Tor Vergata .

Non avremo né l'una né l'altro. Niente torre avveniristica disegnata dall'architetto catalano Calatrava con quattro piscine, foresterie e palestre disseminate nei 38 ettari di verde a Tor Vergata. E niente palazzo trasparente a due passi dal Tevere per ospitare 15 mila spettatori all'ombra di Monte Mario.

L'immagine che Italia 2009 consegna al mondo è quella di un paese fermo al 1960. Quarantanove anni dopo le Olimpiadi, i nuotatori troveranno gli stessi impianti appena ammodernati. L'unica opera nuova, lo stadio del Foro, alla data odierna è una distesa spettrale che ospita una cava di cemento e un po' di ferraglia. Non c'è nemmeno un progetto definito, tanto che sul cartellone previsto per legge, il rendering dello stadio è stato cancellato da una provvidenziale macchia bianca come il disegno di gesso di un bambino sulla lavagna.

Gianni Alemanno

Nonostante i 22 milioni di appalto assegnati per l'impianto, nonostante i quattrocento milioni di euro stanziati per tutte le opere mondiali, nonostante le straordinarie corsie preferenziali, le deroghe urbanistiche, Special Commissioner of the swimming World Cup, Italy has failed to fulfill the promises. The chairman of the organizing committee Giovanni Malago said he was confident the final result, but explains the construction of the works is not my responsibility.

What is the fault of the government that has blocked funding for the Tor Vergata University guilt when he does not feel like you take out a loan of 60 million for a huge plant, blame the mayor Gianni Alemanno that changed the project of the Forum or the fault of its predecessor Veltroni, who designed a plane too heavy, one thing is certain: The mountain gave birth to a mouse. Apart from the pools removable Foro Italico (But these are not an oddity, it years ago from all over the world), remains a disappointment to the few public buildings that remain in the city.

are currently under construction and should be finished by June, the swimming pools of three poles (which will not be used for the world championships but only for training). What Pietralata Valco to Sao Paulo, along the Tiber, and that of Ostia, the subject of thousands of controversy for its location. It will be built across the road because of the strong man of the bathing establishments Lazio Renato Papa . The engineer of the beaches is a small, victims of conflict of interest is the author of the preliminary draft of the pole facing il suo bagno, Le dune e, secondo i comitati di quartiere contrari all'opera, potrebbe trarre un beneficio dall'operatività dell'impianto.

Il paese che arriva all'appuntamento con il Mondiale è la solita Italia arruffona che privilegia il privato. Al posto dei grandi impianti pubblici degni di una capitale moderna, è arrivata una pioggia di piccoli impianti, pagati dalle società sportive con finanziamenti agevolati del credito sportivo, ma autorizzati in deroga a ogni norma urbanistica. A brindare sono soprattutto i cinque proprietari dei circoli adagiati sul Tevere o immersi nei parchi romani che, con la scusa di garantire piscine olimpioniche per l'allenamento degli atleti, hanno ottenuto cubature sterminate su zone vincolate.

Gianni Petrucci

These doubly toast the President of the Organising Committee of the World Championships in 2009, John Malago, who managed to obtain for the Aniene Rowing Club, of which he is president , a double advantage. The City gave the club more famous and rich area of \u200b\u200bthe capital of the old Palaparioli in free concession for 99 years. It enables you to build the Commissioner, notwithstanding the ordinary rules, like the other clubs that they pledge themselves to grant facilities for 15 years in use, a few hours of the day, sports clubs and schools.

unique opportunity that the club is taking advantage of Malaga great, building a huge and beautiful structure with three swimming pools, game room, gym, cafeteria and guest accommodations for 26. A huge circle a, between the Tiber and Parioli, "in which we have invested many millions of euro today, for the benefit of the community," says Malagò . Although it is not patronage, since the system can pay for itself, if properly exploited.

But the winners of the World before it begins construction companies are those that have a hangover of contracts awarded with millionaires and streamlined competitions in the utmost urgency. Among the winners stand out entrepreneurs who call themselves 'Thieves' and groups that do business with the families of their controllers. Let's see who they are, from most important site of the World: the 'Ground Zero' of the Foro Italico. The invitation to tender for 23 million (which will increase up to 30 variants) has been entrusted to a consortium composed of the iMac Pierfrancesco Murino and Tech-cos Daniel Anemone. The family

Anemone is the ace of the catch-all special contracts of Civil Protection. Strong at the Magdalene to the G8, is doing very well in Rome in swimming. Browsing through the races in order of importance, we see that the second call for size, the 20 million euro of the museum Sports Tor Vergata, ended on an association of companies led by a company close to Anemone : Igit of the Bruno Ciolfi , that in combination with Anemone is building the prison in Sassari, a ' covert operation by 58 million.

Contracts were awarded for the World Cup, after the race, when the structure was to guide the Commissioner Angelo Balducci , now replaced by Claudio Rinaldi , but still in charge of the connection between Palazzo Chigi and Commissioner. 'L'Espresso' has previously discussed (see No. 52, December 30, 2008) to the crossroads of interests between the families of the controller and Balducci Anemone controlled. Others have emerged in the events related to World of swimming (see article below). Despite everything, however, Rinaldi sword to defend his predecessor: "I'm not interested in the relationship between Anemone and Balducci . I know he did a great job. For him speak the results."

As at the Foro Italico, Rinaldi adds: "I deal with Murino, not Anemone . And I am convinced that the time will be respected. The company will deliver the first stage of work in time for the World Cup. There will be stands still for three thousand other places to which you add 4000 and 500 removable seats. Then, after the World Cup, we finish the stadium, which will be lighter than the original design, according to the directions of the City of Rome. "

continuing to scroll the list of contracts awarded by the Commissioner (in total 100 million), the third is the one to call for size 10 million euro for the polo swimming Pietralata, won by an old acquaintance of the prosecution: the Cogea of \u200b\u200b Roberto Petrassi . Petrassi is currently on trial for corruption in Rome. It seems out of the loop and now we think the big relaunch Presidency of the Council.

The interception of that investigation, launched by prosecutor Henry John Woodcock and then moved to Rome, Petrassi explains his philosophy: "Either you call your name thief or poor, there are two things. We have a form of stealing which is authorized under certain circumstances and those others are thieves because they steal the apples to the market and go to jail" . The President of cogeneration continued: "For us it is more difficult than we put in jail, in fact I have crossed all hands are clean, pre-cleaned hands. I have spent all, I was the biggest group in Rome and did not go to jail, nor been indicted, because the things I used to do them well. " He was missing in the post-clean hands.

In late 2007, the Ati, composed of the Cogea Petrassi 1 of Aeschylus and Rigoberto Caramanica (his right arm, for pm Woodcock, was his nominee), won the contract for ten million euro for Pietralata. It is not enough. Another company Caramanica sports, the fitness Aeschylus, referring to Petrassi according to investigators, took part in another big deal of the FINA World Championships: urban variations.

are twenty-two private country clubs who are granted permission to construct buildings, notwithstanding the rules of town planning service to new swimming pools. There are extreme cases like that of the circle Tevere Remo, who had the green light to a concrete pool near the Tiber, which was submerged by the flood of December last year.

If in the future the problem would repeat, reassure the office of the Commissioner, the river runoff would not be hampered because "the windows of the pool will crumble instantly." The sports center Aeschylus took advantage of the exception by building a structure of 20 thousand cubic meters. While, according to the Committee Axa safe in the subdivision originally approved in 2000 was required to only 6,500.

When it points out the curriculum Petrassi, Rinaldi shrugs and replies, "I've known him for many years as an entrepreneur but to me that the representative of the company is Rigoberto Caramanica . However, the Cogea won a race. And I do, Commissioner the government, not the police commissioner. "



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