Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oczyszczanie Szesciu Loka

Madoff Scandal: JP Morgan saved, customers no

So far we have always believed that U.S. financial giant JPMorgan Chase was completely foreign to the financial scandal of the century, the so-called "Ponzi scheme" by Bernard Madoff. But it is not. How
Nomura, BNP Paribas and Banco Bilbao, also JP Morgan (This is the name of the institution as a broadcaster), the largest U.S. bank by market capitalization, is still the leading derivatives market at the end his name indexed contract for the performance of two of the so-called feeder funds, funds collected money around the world and gave him to manage the Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities (Blmis). These funds are the Sentry and the Sigma, which was his version €, Fairfield Greenwich Group, which in the scandal appears to have lost around seven billion dollars. Yet

JP Morgan said that it had virtually no exposure - either direct or indirect - on funds linked to Madoff. The reason for this apparent contradiction is simple: less than three months before the arrest of Madoff, a New York bank had withdrawn their money from two funds, putting safe money on the eve of the collapse of the giant chain letter listing foot former president of Nasdaq. The bank never informed investors of its move and some of them are now infuriati per il fatto di essere stati lasciati con certificati che la banca dice essere privi di valore.

Kristin Lemkau, portavoce di JPMorgan Chase, ha confermato che la banca ha ritirato i propri capitali dai fondi legati a Madoff nell'autunno scorso, «dopo un'analisi della nostra esposizione nei fondi hedge» e sulla base di «preoccupazioni sulla mancanza di trasparenza».
A detta di Lemkau, gli investitori non sarebbero stati avvertiti della....


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