Chiara Saraceno, taken from
An age of lower pension penalizes women, ruled the European Court. But to eliminate this disparity is not enough. It should be noted that those who take charge of their family responsibilities have a total working life longer and heavier than men and pay high prices for flights. On this action is needed.
It 's true that, as argued by the European Court in order to Italy, a retirement age lower penalizes women, given the their careers on average shorter and lower salaries than men. To simply equate the pension age for women and men to enable first to recover at least part of the contributory gap with their male colleagues, as proposed by the Minister Brunetta, without changing the same conditions that cause them, may However, to add injustice to injustice, inequality in inequality.
Women, in fact, carry the vast majority of domestic work and care needed to run a family and to allow workers to present themselves every day to work (unpaid). Whereas men are much higher on paid work (and therefore covered by contributions for pension purposes). It 's a visible difference in all ages and family circumstances, as shown in the 2002 ISTAT survey on the use of time (1) . Only among those living alone is attenuated, while vice versa is accentuated among those who live in couples and children. In particular, employed women living in couples with children work for the market on average two hours less than men in similar family situation. But if the labor market is the sum of domestic and care work carried out for the family (including their husbands), the gap is reversed: women have a average working day is longer than one hour and forty minutes. Thus, the employed women with family work loads total on average much more than men employed, but earn less and accumulate less pension wealth, even if they are eligible for an average period longer.
It also added that because of these their family responsibilities - actual or even alleged - not only are women underrepresented in the labor market, but are more susceptible to unemployment than men and are more concentrated in the fixed-term employment relationships . Finally, very often when they retire from the labor market, women continue to provide more or less intensive care work not only to their husbands, but their grandchildren and parents-in-law made dependent on a very old age in a society like ours that lacks both the early childhood services for dependency in old age. As an instrument of reconciliation between paid work and family for their husbands retire (and sometimes even before) the women are transformed into an instrument of reconciliation for their daughters and daughters in law, as well as lenders care for those in the network family is not entirely self-sufficient.
retire at what age?
But the solution is to maintain a different retirement ages. However, not enough either, although it is desirable to reintroduce the flexibility - For women and men in the age-out of the labor market so as was provided by the Dini reform, to enable each individual to choose the trade-off they prefer, or which is best suited to their needs, including use of time and pension level. It should be especially relevant to the conditions that, in fact, produce the income gap between women and men and contribution. First, we need to work hard to eliminate gender discrimination that still exist in the labor market at all levels - from access, forms the contract, career opportunities. Secondly, should be reinforced reconciliation policies, for women and men care services for young children and dependent persons, school time, taking into account the fact that now in most families both parents - or the only parent present - are employed. From this point of view, the reform Gelmini showing the time in elementary school 24 hours is a prime real move in line with this objective (see also this other intervention).
cash contributions
Finally, we need a financial recognition of care work, whether in the form of leave covered by compensation decent form of imputed contributions more substantial ones currently in force. At present only the maternity leave is covered by contributions calculated on the notional salary effective (and only for those who have a regular job). The parental leave, in addition to being compensated in a little more than symbolic (30% of salary and only if taken within three years of the children), giving rise to imputed contributions reduced, even redeem or integrated with voluntary contributions, and a maximum of six months and only for employees who have at least 5 years of history to pay. Note that in the case of contributions for the period of military service (or civilian alternative to military) enough to have had even a single contribution in the period previous service (2) . E 'for this - low pay and little or no imputed contributions - that fathers rarely take parental leave, in fact widening the gap with their mates. At the same time they are caused conditions of inequality between different figures for working mothers and mothers and between those outside the labor market.
Even less is to acknowledge the work of care provided to dependents . Only in the case of a child is not self-sufficient you are entitled to leave up to a maximum of two years, unpaid but covered by a fixed amount of imputed contributions. In the case much more common, care for elderly dependents, the contributions figurative cover no more than 25 days annual leave allowed, and only if the person is not self-sufficient living with the worker / employee. Instead
"compensate" women for their unpaid work unpaid work with a shorter life, but also with a smaller pension wealth, should take note that those who take charge of their family responsibilities have in fact a life Overall work longer and heavier than men, with periods of concentration are often unsustainable, and they pay cheap high. E 'must be tackled on this, aimed at both replacement (using the services) of Recognition (Through paid leave and imputed contributions) care labor savings achieved by raising the retirement age of women. This would also not generally distinguish between "women" and "men" but between those who - man or woman - is activities to care for dependents to age or illness and who is not.
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