Monday, January 5, 2009

Should I Wear A Nappy To Dentist

Istat, in December recommended new brake inflation

Inflation in December fell to 2.2% from 2.7% in November. On a monthly basis prices fell 0.1%. after -0.4% in November (a decline that occurred from July 1959). These are the new figures released by ISTAT, which also announced a new estimate on an annual basis, the level of consumer prices by ISTAT: +3.3%. In 2007 he was at a +1.8%. The price level, measured over the year, despite the cooling-related decline of crude oil in the second half of the year, has reached levels that were seen since 1996.

It was mainly the energy component to bring down the inflation rate in December. The energy has indeed recorded a decline last month of the economic trend of 2% and 4% (from 3.3% in November). Net of .........
Excerpted from "Il Sole 24 ore"


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