Are You Such A dreamer to put the world to rights?
Back in 2001 an album of Radiohead began with the Prophetic words, intuition or clairvoyance to know we can not but we can always be with those who say that the work of an artist is to understand their time. At that time, had just burst the bubble on the technological and had just collapsed with the Twin Towers, all the certainties of the first world power. It did not go well. But a courageous recovery had brought back the smile to many in a few years, especially on the stock exchange where the lists quickly riIsalirono far exceeded expectations "rational".
Two years ago the situation seemed so distant, although the real economy not the Stars and Stripes was going through its best time, then it all started. It is not my intention to deal with the facts ma una piccola digressione sugli errori del sistema bancario va fatta perché si è tentato di fare qualcosa d’impossibile; si è tentato di credere che 2 + 2 facesse sempre 5, il titolo della canzone da cui è tratta la strofa ( 2+2=5 ), questa volta però non è stato il Grande Fratello con la sua stanza 101 ma il Grande Profitto con le immense possibilità che ci concede la nostra libertà e l’invenzione delle SPV; però i risk managers, un po’ la psicopoliza di Orwell, avevano di certo sopravvalutato la loro bravura nel commisurare la probabilità di fallimento o l’esposizione al momento del fallimento, il che si traduce in un errore di stima del rischio, così tristemente 2+2 non ha fatto più sempre 5 ed il sistema della cessione del credito attraverso la cartolarizzazione si è rivoltato proprio contro chi l’aveva creato, con le disastrose conseguenze che sappiamo.
Oggi siamo consci del fatto che quella equazione e la spasmodica ricerca da parte del sistema bancario di ottenere profitti, laddove non si potrebbe, sono pericolosamente irrazionali; anche sconsiderati se vuoi fondarci un mondo sopra. Stiamo provando sulla nostra pelle le conseguenze della pretesa di modificare a piacimento la realtà, non a caso 1984 è stato sempre definito il romanzo dell’utopia negativa, ma soprattutto stiamo assistendo ad un fenomeno ben più radicale, un qualcosa che ci riporta indietro di 80 anni (1929).
La dimostrazione fragility of banks has in fact deepened the mistrust of the people in the financial system but above the elbow grease we had always taken the alacrity of the crisis today, as witnessed by the collapse of the scales in 2008 in the more generalized " every man for himself, first the women and children, no no me first before I "seems to have undermined the confidence of everyone and there is nothing worse for a bank, probably. E 'intrinsic to entrust their savings to someone else as a precondition for the necessary confidence and is very clear that these days confidence in the banking system is waning. Such a situation is however not unproblematic because one hand there is the inaction of the banks, who do not want to risk their "savings", and the other is the escape of consumers, fueled by the same feeling, but this property is dramatically conveying the real economy using un'abusata hyperbole, like a cancer that weakens a healthy body.
Then it was him, in what many consider the man of providence, his motto has conquered the epicenter of the crisis, the heart of the tumor, a simple but effective slogan of the ones you like overseas, "Yes We Can. " Barak Obama has rapidly outstripped the solemnity of his antagonists that came from certainly perceived by the public as an attachment to the past and the lobbies, and also to the banking system, and did so with positivism and with that dreamy that winks to the sacred concept of the American Dream.
"Yes We Can" was a saying then that he was well on everyone's lips, the broker who made merry not so much in Manhattan, the banks pick up the pieces of other banks, to young people who no longer saw their rosy future, the last farmer in Arkansas who also had him collect the grain and some earthen bank. All of them were for a day, inside the polling station, so the great dreamers of wanting to put place in the world and have decided to trust in what appears to our Winston Smith, "The Last Man in Europe" aka the thinker from the pack. Yesterday
man of providence has officially become the forty-fourth president-elect of the United States, the hope of a "Deal Obama" may trasformari into something real, but the advent of his era also involves the renewal of confidence in the financial system, which remains an indispensable source of support for the free market. The crises are such because they are the manifestation of something unexpected, but confidence is not lost because the world is raised in the thirties, has raised in the seventies, it was raised in the early nineties and can do it again, but we must give it and this trust, we must stop being afraid and start life anew. We must invest in the future and ensure this without forgetting the mistakes of the past. We must seize opportunities and solve the equation that will provide the panacea. During Obama's speech yesterday, in my mind has produced a strange blend of Orwellian reality and fiction, and I thought: "Almost unconsciously, Obama Winston, wrote with his fingers on the table covered with dust: 2 +2 = x".
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