The last day of George W. Bush remains
He's gone. Its mandate is over. Un giorno atteso da molti. E' stato per molti uno dei peggiori presidenti degli ultimi anni, fatto sta che rimane uno dei pochi ad aver beneficiato del doppio mandato, con un' approvazione popolare che superava il 60%. Forse è ancora troppo presto per giudicarne le azioni, ma sicuramente non è il tempo per tacere. E' stato sicuramente sfortunato, il suo mandato è iniziato con la caduta delle torri gemelle, dopo si è passati alle due guerre al terrorismo, dopo l'uragano katrina, la crisi dei subprime e la crisi mondiale dell' economia. Sicuramente, quindi, non ha avuto la fortuna necessaria per poter gestire al meglio il suo paese. Ottima è stata la gestione dell' opinione pubblica dopo l' undici settembre. Pessima invece è stata manage the two wars that divided the world public opinion, but not his countrymen, who have sided with him, despite the reasons which had moved the military actions were found unjustified. Fails to hunting, if you can define, Osama Bin Laden. Delays, attribution to him in the post-Hurricane Katrina operations. Post-crisis economic measures are difficult to judge, since it is the first U.S. president after the new deal to have opted for the nationalization of banks, full-bodied with state aid. E 'was definitely a difficult decision to make, which is currently difficult to judge since we are in crisis and the solution seems very far away. In other words, has interspersed moments incredible moments of lucidity that judging is a little embarrassing. Of course it was, like his father, one of the most criticized presidents in American history. Mysterious in its affairs, in his friendships, in some of his releases, but certainly clear and proverbili his lines out of place. Finally, I do not think it's time to call in a few words, but surely these were his actions wrong or not. Now it's up to Obama ...
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