Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oczyszczanie Szesciu Loka

Madoff Scandal: JP Morgan saved, customers no

So far we have always believed that U.S. financial giant JPMorgan Chase was completely foreign to the financial scandal of the century, the so-called "Ponzi scheme" by Bernard Madoff. But it is not. How
Nomura, BNP Paribas and Banco Bilbao, also JP Morgan (This is the name of the institution as a broadcaster), the largest U.S. bank by market capitalization, is still the leading derivatives market at the end his name indexed contract for the performance of two of the so-called feeder funds, funds collected money around the world and gave him to manage the Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities (Blmis). These funds are the Sentry and the Sigma, which was his version €, Fairfield Greenwich Group, which in the scandal appears to have lost around seven billion dollars. Yet

JP Morgan said that it had virtually no exposure - either direct or indirect - on funds linked to Madoff. The reason for this apparent contradiction is simple: less than three months before the arrest of Madoff, a New York bank had withdrawn their money from two funds, putting safe money on the eve of the collapse of the giant chain letter listing foot former president of Nasdaq. The bank never informed investors of its move and some of them are now infuriati per il fatto di essere stati lasciati con certificati che la banca dice essere privi di valore.

Kristin Lemkau, portavoce di JPMorgan Chase, ha confermato che la banca ha ritirato i propri capitali dai fondi legati a Madoff nell'autunno scorso, «dopo un'analisi della nostra esposizione nei fondi hedge» e sulla base di «preoccupazioni sulla mancanza di trasparenza».
A detta di Lemkau, gli investitori non sarebbero stati avvertiti della....

Monday, January 26, 2009

Pokemon Onesie Pajama

The China is less attracted to the U.S. debt

China has bought more than one trillion U.S. dollars of public debt, but the global recession has grown and Beijing is starting to carry forward some of that money at home, this decision could be very painful for borrowers American
The decreasing interest for China America's debt comes at a bad time
President Barack Obama has announced a deficit of a trillion dollars for years to come, following the package of 800 billion dollars just allocated. Normally, China, was the first to grab the short-term treasury bills.
Over the past five years, Beijing has spent a seventieth of its GDP on domestic debt to buy foreign, especially American. In September, has passed Japan as the largest overseas holder of treasury certificates.
But now Beijing has to pay his package "anti-crisis" of $ 600 billion, partly because tax revenue is falling sharply as the Chinese economy is slowing down. The national regulator has ordered banks to lend more money to small and medium-sized enterprises, many of which are failing due to the decrease in exports, and ordered the government to allocate more money for small public works.
The rating agency Fitch announced that the Chinese foreign currency reserves will increase but only 177 billion dollars, instead of the expected 415 billion.
The strong demand for federal bonds, by Chinese, helped the U.S. government to keep down the rate of interest payable to its creditors, while the Chinese could push up interest reduced the interest rates that the U.S. must pay to creditors.
For now, surely, it seems there is no shortage of buyers of U.S. debt. As, however, concerns the long term, so the Chinese to use this money, could lead to the improvement of living conditions of Chinese and American dependence mnor to the choices of China. This change of direction must be gradual and not abrupt, so that does not reduce the value of American bonds and even the huge reserves in Chinese currency and bonds

Friday, January 23, 2009

Whydo My Towels Stink

The economic problems of Obama

Beautiful article by Daniel Gros taken from

seems to take shape in these days a new "Washington consensus" according to which the debt capacity of the U.S. is limited. Basically, it is believed that a full use of what remains of funds from the TARP plan launched by the Bush administration, about $ 650 billion, plus a package of measures to be 850 billion to 1 trillion dollars for the biennium 2009-2010 is the limit Today, higher tax policy of intervention in the United States. It is a vision che non può durare a lungo perché dovrebbe essere ormai chiaro che anche l’intero stanziamento del Tarp non è sufficiente per rivitalizzare il settore finanziario.


Una delle ragioni per le quali i deficit Usa sembrano così grandi è che la contabilità pubblica degli Stati Uniti è spesso più predente di quella europea. L’elemento chiave da tenere a mente quando si leggono i rapporti sui deficit fiscali Usa è che l’autorità ufficiale , il Congressional Budget Office (Cbo) conteggia come “spesa” nell’anno fiscale 2009, che va da settembre 2008 settembre 2009, il salvataggio delle agenzie di finanziamento e guarantee mortgage lenders, like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, for a total of 240 billion dollars. In addition, the CBO estimated that the grant element in the Tarp is about 25 percent, which implies an additional nominal expenditures for fiscal year 2009 of 180 billion dollars. The CBO estimates for 2009 of 420 billion dollars, therefore, devote chapters to the national accounts would not consider "expenses". The two-year package of measures considered by the new administration would amount to about 800-900 billion dollars, or 400 to 450 billion a year. This means that data comparable with those reported in Europe (plus the Obama package, less the cost of bailouts financial markets), it is likely that the U.S. federal deficit is close to the figure provided by the CBO or the 8-9 percent of GDP. (See table)

Source: CBO


Even a brief survey shows that the tax cost, defined as the increase in public debt, a financial crisis as widespread as the current one should be very high.
crisis of this magnitude usually cost several tens of percentage points of GDP. But the total funds available from Tarp month is only $ 700 billion, about 5 percent of GDP. It is too little to address the most serious crisis of the last fifty years.
A Christian who has plagued the entire U.S. mortgage market and spread to most other forms of credit (car, credit cards, personal loans and so on) can not be solved cheaply. The total cost
where necessarily be much greater than 5 percent of GDP, if we consider that the total debt of U.S. households amounted to about 14 thousand billion dollars, ie 100 per cent of GDP. With house prices likely to fall by another 30 percent (a reasonable estimate considering that the price-rent ratio is still on top of a long-term) losses on those loans probably will amount between 20 and 30 per cent. One must bear in mind that U.S. mortgages are in fact (and often law) "is not open to negotiation", which means that the debtor may simply send back the keys to the bank if the home's value falls below the amount that yet to return. With total loans outstanding of about 10 thousand billion (70 per cent of GDP), losses of 20-30 percent would imply losses for the financial system of $ 3 trillion, or about 20 percent of GDP. To this we should add the losses of around 4 trillion of consumer credit to households and other outstanding debts. Con una forte recessione in corso, l’insieme delle dei debiti per le famiglie può essere considerevole. Il totale delle perdite del solo sistema finanziario sui prestiti alle famiglie americane, deve essere perciò superiore ai 3mila miliardi. Se il sistema bancario americano e il sistema finanziario nel suo complesso vuole riprendersi, deve riuscire a ripulirsi da queste perdite. Altrimenti le banche non riprenderanno a erogare nuovamente credito. Qualsiasi operazione che vuole ripulire il settore finanziario deve perciò essere di almeno il 20-25 per cento del Pil. Questa è la dimensione della sfida che deve affrontare il neo presidente Barack Obama.

Foto: da

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What To Use To Clean The Outside Of A Camper


yesterday's economic data have been afraid at all. There is talk of recession, rising unemployment, and above all a deep credit crisis. Yesterday

Mario Draghi, governor of Bank of Italy, held its usual meeting at Palazzo Koch with other Italian bankers. The meeting, considered by Dragons of extreme importance, focused on the latter's request to make it quick and easy transfer of credit to individuals. This is critical view of the stalemate of the Italian bank, where banks no longer trust in companies and private citizens have more confidence in banks. L 'Italy needs new investments, especially at this moment, and enterprises that want to invest in bank loans they need to do so. A question arises: given the need to reduce banking risks inherent in any such operation, how do you propose banks to place more trust companies if they do not currently appear to be reliable. It 's a contradiction. But what else? Possible that this is the thin line on which the banks must juggle? Yes Will very difficult but the banks must make loans as quickly and painlessly as possible, but at the same time to decrease the risk of their financial assets. They must therefore look not only at financial statements of companies, which in this period are not the best, but other factors must be considered less mathematical and more subjective and all that, considering the need to reduce their risk exposure. Mission Impossible? No, you can not fail because its these two factors must be central to the economic recovery which should be as fast as possible

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Are You Such A dreamer to put the world to rights?

Back in 2001 an album of Radiohead began with the Prophetic words, intuition or clairvoyance to know we can not but we can always be with those who say that the work of an artist is to understand their time. At that time, had just burst the bubble on the technological and had just collapsed with the Twin Towers, all the certainties of the first world power. It did not go well. But a courageous recovery had brought back the smile to many in a few years, especially on the stock exchange where the lists quickly riIsalirono far exceeded expectations "rational".
Two years ago the situation seemed so distant, although the real economy not the Stars and Stripes was going through its best time, then it all started. It is not my intention to deal with the facts ma una piccola digressione sugli errori del sistema bancario va fatta perché si è tentato di fare qualcosa d’impossibile; si è tentato di credere che 2 + 2 facesse sempre 5, il titolo della canzone da cui è tratta la strofa ( 2+2=5 ), questa volta però non è stato il Grande Fratello con la sua stanza 101 ma il Grande Profitto con le immense possibilità che ci concede la nostra libertà e l’invenzione delle SPV; però i risk managers, un po’ la psicopoliza di Orwell, avevano di certo sopravvalutato la loro bravura nel commisurare la probabilità di fallimento o l’esposizione al momento del fallimento, il che si traduce in un errore di stima del rischio, così tristemente 2+2 non ha fatto più sempre 5 ed il sistema della cessione del credito attraverso la cartolarizzazione si è rivoltato proprio contro chi l’aveva creato, con le disastrose conseguenze che sappiamo.
Oggi siamo consci del fatto che quella equazione e la spasmodica ricerca da parte del sistema bancario di ottenere profitti, laddove non si potrebbe, sono pericolosamente irrazionali; anche sconsiderati se vuoi fondarci un mondo sopra. Stiamo provando sulla nostra pelle le conseguenze della pretesa di modificare a piacimento la realtà, non a caso 1984 è stato sempre definito il romanzo dell’utopia negativa, ma soprattutto stiamo assistendo ad un fenomeno ben più radicale, un qualcosa che ci riporta indietro di 80 anni (1929).
La dimostrazione fragility of banks has in fact deepened the mistrust of the people in the financial system but above the elbow grease we had always taken the alacrity of the crisis today, as witnessed by the collapse of the scales in 2008 in the more generalized " every man for himself, first the women and children, no no me first before I "seems to have undermined the confidence of everyone and there is nothing worse for a bank, probably. E 'intrinsic to entrust their savings to someone else as a precondition for the necessary confidence and is very clear that these days confidence in the banking system is waning. Such a situation is however not unproblematic because one hand there is the inaction of the banks, who do not want to risk their "savings", and the other is the escape of consumers, fueled by the same feeling, but this property is dramatically conveying the real economy using un'abusata hyperbole, like a cancer that weakens a healthy body.
Then it was him, in what many consider the man of providence, his motto has conquered the epicenter of the crisis, the heart of the tumor, a simple but effective slogan of the ones you like overseas, "Yes We Can. " Barak Obama has rapidly outstripped the solemnity of his antagonists that came from certainly perceived by the public as an attachment to the past and the lobbies, and also to the banking system, and did so with positivism and with that dreamy that winks to the sacred concept of the American Dream.
"Yes We Can" was a saying then that he was well on everyone's lips, the broker who made merry not so much in Manhattan, the banks pick up the pieces of other banks, to young people who no longer saw their rosy future, the last farmer in Arkansas who also had him collect the grain and some earthen bank. All of them were for a day, inside the polling station, so the great dreamers of wanting to put place in the world and have decided to trust in what appears to our Winston Smith, "The Last Man in Europe" aka the thinker from the pack. Yesterday
man of providence has officially become the forty-fourth president-elect of the United States, the hope of a "Deal Obama" may trasformari into something real, but the advent of his era also involves the renewal of confidence in the financial system, which remains an indispensable source of support for the free market. The crises are such because they are the manifestation of something unexpected, but confidence is not lost because the world is raised in the thirties, has raised in the seventies, it was raised in the early nineties and can do it again, but we must give it and this trust, we must stop being afraid and start life anew. We must invest in the future and ensure this without forgetting the mistakes of the past. We must seize opportunities and solve the equation that will provide the panacea. During Obama's speech yesterday, in my mind has produced a strange blend of Orwellian reality and fiction, and I thought: "Almost unconsciously, Obama Winston, wrote with his fingers on the table covered with dust: 2 +2 = x".

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

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The last day of George W. Bush remains

He's gone. Its mandate is over. Un giorno atteso da molti. E' stato per molti uno dei peggiori presidenti degli ultimi anni, fatto sta che rimane uno dei pochi ad aver beneficiato del doppio mandato, con un' approvazione popolare che superava il 60%. Forse è ancora troppo presto per giudicarne le azioni, ma sicuramente non è il tempo per tacere. E' stato sicuramente sfortunato, il suo mandato è iniziato con la caduta delle torri gemelle, dopo si è passati alle due guerre al terrorismo, dopo l'uragano katrina, la crisi dei subprime e la crisi mondiale dell' economia. Sicuramente, quindi, non ha avuto la fortuna necessaria per poter gestire al meglio il suo paese. Ottima è stata la gestione dell' opinione pubblica dopo l' undici settembre. Pessima invece è stata manage the two wars that divided the world public opinion, but not his countrymen, who have sided with him, despite the reasons which had moved the military actions were found unjustified. Fails to hunting, if you can define, Osama Bin Laden. Delays, attribution to him in the post-Hurricane Katrina operations. Post-crisis economic measures are difficult to judge, since it is the first U.S. president after the new deal to have opted for the nationalization of banks, full-bodied with state aid. E 'was definitely a difficult decision to make, which is currently difficult to judge since we are in crisis and the solution seems very far away. In other words, has interspersed moments incredible moments of lucidity that judging is a little embarrassing. Of course it was, like his father, one of the most criticized presidents in American history. Mysterious in its affairs, in his friendships, in some of his releases, but certainly clear and proverbili his lines out of place. Finally, I do not think it's time to call in a few words, but surely these were his actions wrong or not. Now it's up to Obama ...

Monday, January 19, 2009

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Kaka at Milan and we are all happy

I would just say that yesterday, the new data were presented on the European economy. The situation is dramatic, the disoccupazone salt, growth is negative (recession) and for the case of Italy, the deficit / GDP ratio rose to 3.8%. Without commenting too much data, let me just say that the prime minister, spent the day yesterday at the headquarters in Via Turati deal for Kaka. The economy is falling apart, mind you I did not say that it is his fault, but at least it is Kaka. Go Ricky!

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Francisco Gonzalez, president of Spain's BBVA, has invited to work together for a single European regulator, regulating the banking risks el 'greed of leaders, why not also focus on short-term benefits but on the growth and success of their companies in the long term. In a video interview on, President Gonzalez - whose bank has just become one of the top 10 by market capitalization - said that being in front of multinational banks and global markets, the regulator must also be unique and globally. Once this would have been unthinkable. "In the end if you want a single European market, we need one supervisor, one legislator, who must be very close to the ECB or even part of it," he said.
The recent bank failures in both the Atlantic and the high cost of saving state, opened a major debate on the regulation of financial markets.
Alistair Darling, chancellor of the 'UK Exchequer, is trying to use the G20 as promoter and organizer of a single policy in the regulation of the markets. He is working for a large coordination against those banks that use business models that create huge systemic risks. Not all bankers agree with Gonzalez about the transition from one controller to a single national and international level, but someone has agreed to the need for more coordination between national regulators and admire the control system that has saved many English banks from the worst effects of the crisis. "The Bank of Spain has a model to follow," said Gonzalez. He added that there are two underlying causes of this crisis: the lack of regulation, 'the greed of bankers or otherwise, who have forgotten some among the fundamental principles on which stands a bank such as ethics and prudence in the choice. "
concludes by saying that the scandal Madoff is the 'perfect example that proves the lack of proper regulation. Finally, it is fair to say that the BBVA has lost € 300 million because of Madoff, but that has never had direct dealings with it.

translation of an article in the Financial Times on 01/19/2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mother With Big Boobs

An overview of the hotel classification in Europe

At present we are far homogenisation of the various systems of rating assignment. There are countries, like Italy and Spain, which devolved to the regions the task of legislating in tourism (decentralization law), and this does not always have positive consequences, in fact, there is a substantial difference between the two realities: in Italy each region has adopted different systems that make it very fragmented the classification methodology, in Spain, rather , autonomous regions have adopted different systems of rating assignment very similar.

Then there are countries like France and Portugal have opted for a central system of classification, countries that have mixed this task entrusted to institutions such as the United Kingdom and others who, like Sweden and Denmark share the same system . Particularly the case of Finland does not provide any classification system. Going into this particular situation is in major European countries.

3. Spain

According to the Royal Decree 1634/83 are regional authorities that are responsible for regulating the hotel classification. The decree, however, lays down minimum criteria and provisions to which the hotels must comply, such as security systems, the requirement to display prices and best service for those extra services. Despite the hotel classification is decentralized, this does not affect the homogeneity of the system of allocating of the "stars", since different regions have adopted similar criteria for the award. It 'also provided a control system, carried out by inspectors established by each autonomous government.

4. Portugal

has since 1954, a classification system created by the State Secretariat of Tourism in collaboration with the Board of Directors of Tourism, both operating within the Ministry of Economy. The current system is governed by Law No 167/97, \u200b\u200bwhich provides guidelines for quality assurance for the designation. The legislation is provided by government agencies mentioned above, is also planned, a control plan that occur after the annual meeting. The system appears very simple but effective, and is, in fact, provided a detailed grid of requirements related to each category.

5. UK

As in Spain and Italy, also in the United Kingdom has chosen, initially, a regional system of hotel classification. Only two years ago, it was adopted a common monitoring system, the "National Standards of the Quality Assurance", promoted by the national government with the participation of the various regions of the Tourist Board. The system is based on a stringent analytical and objective assessment based on a multitude of parameters. Underlying this process is the customer, because, indirectly, is the one that set the parameters, which are also aimed at ensuring largest correlation between "star" and the actual quality.

6. Denmark

In 1997, from a market survey carried out to meet the needs of Danish consumers, we arrived at the birth of the national classification system, created by the 'Horesta "(Danish Association of Hotels, restaurants and tourism industry), an agent of market analysis, and three representatives of the Ministry of Tourism. So the main necessity, that the state of Denmark and the tourism entrepreneurs wanted to meet was to defend the interests of the consumer and not the increase in the quality of accommodation

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attempts a single policy in the hotel classification in Europe

Noting that in Europe there is a unitary system of hotel classification and, therefore, each country adopts different forms, not just have a look at why it has come to this situation.

The most important attempt to standardize the various systems, proposed in 1982, was received negatively dall'Hotrec (Confederation of Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes), since according to this body, there were no prerequisites for a coordinated development of the hotels existing. In 1989, a report by the WTO gave start to the process of standardization of symbols and signs of hotel classification, this proved to be a great way to give consumers greater clarity. Also important is the realization of the program by ISO ISO 9000, which created the condition of 'adoption by the European hotels of international quality standards. The ISO 9000 provides, in fact, the correspondence between the client-visitor servizio promesso e quello effettivo. Probabilmente questo è il migliore strumento per una maggiore uniformità della classificazione alberghiera internazionale, che vuol dire principalmente maggiore trasparenza a vantaggio del consumatore. ISO sta riuscendo dove UE, Stati ed unioni di categoria hanno fallito.

Tuttavia sono ancora poche le strutture che si sono dotate di tale certificazione e, nonostante abbiano tutte conseguito un importante vantaggio competitivo nei confronti dei concorrenti, ciò, è dovuto al fatto che tale procedura necessita ingenti investimenti, i quali, spesso, i piccoli alberghi non riescono a sostenere. I cospicui investimenti sono giustificati dalla necessità di ristrutturazione dello stabile, al rifacimento plant, the creation of more advanced and expensive security systems and the outputs resulting from the costs of staff training, etc..

Friday, January 16, 2009

Whats Needed For Moonstone Ring? Maplestory


Marco Lillo for "The Express"

radiates optimism and efficiency, the official website of the Organising Committee of the World Championships Rome 2009. Six months after the festival you can already book tickets and passes. On July 18, sixteen days to Rome will be flooded by 2000 and 500 athletes will compete under the colors of 170 nations with a single click you can book right now place in the sun to see the Seven of Diamonds of water polo or synchronized the mermaids.

John Malaga - Copyright Pizzi

If work continues with these rhythms, however, would be better, prior to purchase, carry a chair and perhaps an inflatable pool. The swimming stadium that would host these games today does not exist. Monday, January 12 'L'Espresso' has entered the construction site of the future plants which should be the calling card of Italy sport and saw a scene reminiscent of Ground Zero.

addition to the pools of old cones, just refreshed (but still complete) is not traccia dei nuovi impianti che dovrebbero sorgere al posto del glorioso stadio Centrale. Il palazzo del Foro Italico rappresentava già un ripiego rispetto all'idea iniziale dell'allora sindaco Walter Veltroni di edificare una città dello sport nel campus di Tor Vergata .

Non avremo né l'una né l'altro. Niente torre avveniristica disegnata dall'architetto catalano Calatrava con quattro piscine, foresterie e palestre disseminate nei 38 ettari di verde a Tor Vergata. E niente palazzo trasparente a due passi dal Tevere per ospitare 15 mila spettatori all'ombra di Monte Mario.

L'immagine che Italia 2009 consegna al mondo è quella di un paese fermo al 1960. Quarantanove anni dopo le Olimpiadi, i nuotatori troveranno gli stessi impianti appena ammodernati. L'unica opera nuova, lo stadio del Foro, alla data odierna è una distesa spettrale che ospita una cava di cemento e un po' di ferraglia. Non c'è nemmeno un progetto definito, tanto che sul cartellone previsto per legge, il rendering dello stadio è stato cancellato da una provvidenziale macchia bianca come il disegno di gesso di un bambino sulla lavagna.

Gianni Alemanno

Nonostante i 22 milioni di appalto assegnati per l'impianto, nonostante i quattrocento milioni di euro stanziati per tutte le opere mondiali, nonostante le straordinarie corsie preferenziali, le deroghe urbanistiche, Special Commissioner of the swimming World Cup, Italy has failed to fulfill the promises. The chairman of the organizing committee Giovanni Malago said he was confident the final result, but explains the construction of the works is not my responsibility.

What is the fault of the government that has blocked funding for the Tor Vergata University guilt when he does not feel like you take out a loan of 60 million for a huge plant, blame the mayor Gianni Alemanno that changed the project of the Forum or the fault of its predecessor Veltroni, who designed a plane too heavy, one thing is certain: The mountain gave birth to a mouse. Apart from the pools removable Foro Italico (But these are not an oddity, it years ago from all over the world), remains a disappointment to the few public buildings that remain in the city.

are currently under construction and should be finished by June, the swimming pools of three poles (which will not be used for the world championships but only for training). What Pietralata Valco to Sao Paulo, along the Tiber, and that of Ostia, the subject of thousands of controversy for its location. It will be built across the road because of the strong man of the bathing establishments Lazio Renato Papa . The engineer of the beaches is a small, victims of conflict of interest is the author of the preliminary draft of the pole facing il suo bagno, Le dune e, secondo i comitati di quartiere contrari all'opera, potrebbe trarre un beneficio dall'operatività dell'impianto.

Il paese che arriva all'appuntamento con il Mondiale è la solita Italia arruffona che privilegia il privato. Al posto dei grandi impianti pubblici degni di una capitale moderna, è arrivata una pioggia di piccoli impianti, pagati dalle società sportive con finanziamenti agevolati del credito sportivo, ma autorizzati in deroga a ogni norma urbanistica. A brindare sono soprattutto i cinque proprietari dei circoli adagiati sul Tevere o immersi nei parchi romani che, con la scusa di garantire piscine olimpioniche per l'allenamento degli atleti, hanno ottenuto cubature sterminate su zone vincolate.

Gianni Petrucci

These doubly toast the President of the Organising Committee of the World Championships in 2009, John Malago, who managed to obtain for the Aniene Rowing Club, of which he is president , a double advantage. The City gave the club more famous and rich area of \u200b\u200bthe capital of the old Palaparioli in free concession for 99 years. It enables you to build the Commissioner, notwithstanding the ordinary rules, like the other clubs that they pledge themselves to grant facilities for 15 years in use, a few hours of the day, sports clubs and schools.

unique opportunity that the club is taking advantage of Malaga great, building a huge and beautiful structure with three swimming pools, game room, gym, cafeteria and guest accommodations for 26. A huge circle a, between the Tiber and Parioli, "in which we have invested many millions of euro today, for the benefit of the community," says Malagò . Although it is not patronage, since the system can pay for itself, if properly exploited.

But the winners of the World before it begins construction companies are those that have a hangover of contracts awarded with millionaires and streamlined competitions in the utmost urgency. Among the winners stand out entrepreneurs who call themselves 'Thieves' and groups that do business with the families of their controllers. Let's see who they are, from most important site of the World: the 'Ground Zero' of the Foro Italico. The invitation to tender for 23 million (which will increase up to 30 variants) has been entrusted to a consortium composed of the iMac Pierfrancesco Murino and Tech-cos Daniel Anemone. The family

Anemone is the ace of the catch-all special contracts of Civil Protection. Strong at the Magdalene to the G8, is doing very well in Rome in swimming. Browsing through the races in order of importance, we see that the second call for size, the 20 million euro of the museum Sports Tor Vergata, ended on an association of companies led by a company close to Anemone : Igit of the Bruno Ciolfi , that in combination with Anemone is building the prison in Sassari, a ' covert operation by 58 million.

Contracts were awarded for the World Cup, after the race, when the structure was to guide the Commissioner Angelo Balducci , now replaced by Claudio Rinaldi , but still in charge of the connection between Palazzo Chigi and Commissioner. 'L'Espresso' has previously discussed (see No. 52, December 30, 2008) to the crossroads of interests between the families of the controller and Balducci Anemone controlled. Others have emerged in the events related to World of swimming (see article below). Despite everything, however, Rinaldi sword to defend his predecessor: "I'm not interested in the relationship between Anemone and Balducci . I know he did a great job. For him speak the results."

As at the Foro Italico, Rinaldi adds: "I deal with Murino, not Anemone . And I am convinced that the time will be respected. The company will deliver the first stage of work in time for the World Cup. There will be stands still for three thousand other places to which you add 4000 and 500 removable seats. Then, after the World Cup, we finish the stadium, which will be lighter than the original design, according to the directions of the City of Rome. "

continuing to scroll the list of contracts awarded by the Commissioner (in total 100 million), the third is the one to call for size 10 million euro for the polo swimming Pietralata, won by an old acquaintance of the prosecution: the Cogea of \u200b\u200b Roberto Petrassi . Petrassi is currently on trial for corruption in Rome. It seems out of the loop and now we think the big relaunch Presidency of the Council.

The interception of that investigation, launched by prosecutor Henry John Woodcock and then moved to Rome, Petrassi explains his philosophy: "Either you call your name thief or poor, there are two things. We have a form of stealing which is authorized under certain circumstances and those others are thieves because they steal the apples to the market and go to jail" . The President of cogeneration continued: "For us it is more difficult than we put in jail, in fact I have crossed all hands are clean, pre-cleaned hands. I have spent all, I was the biggest group in Rome and did not go to jail, nor been indicted, because the things I used to do them well. " He was missing in the post-clean hands.

In late 2007, the Ati, composed of the Cogea Petrassi 1 of Aeschylus and Rigoberto Caramanica (his right arm, for pm Woodcock, was his nominee), won the contract for ten million euro for Pietralata. It is not enough. Another company Caramanica sports, the fitness Aeschylus, referring to Petrassi according to investigators, took part in another big deal of the FINA World Championships: urban variations.

are twenty-two private country clubs who are granted permission to construct buildings, notwithstanding the rules of town planning service to new swimming pools. There are extreme cases like that of the circle Tevere Remo, who had the green light to a concrete pool near the Tiber, which was submerged by the flood of December last year.

If in the future the problem would repeat, reassure the office of the Commissioner, the river runoff would not be hampered because "the windows of the pool will crumble instantly." The sports center Aeschylus took advantage of the exception by building a structure of 20 thousand cubic meters. While, according to the Committee Axa safe in the subdivision originally approved in 2000 was required to only 6,500.

When it points out the curriculum Petrassi, Rinaldi shrugs and replies, "I've known him for many years as an entrepreneur but to me that the representative of the company is Rigoberto Caramanica . However, the Cogea won a race. And I do, Commissioner the government, not the police commissioner. "


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Smoking Organisations


From" The " Paolo Consolini and Marco Mark

In late November the government presented two new instruments to support income families: the social card and a one-off bonus of varying amounts. Considering the inconsistency of anti-poverty policies of the two Past legislatures, it is hoped that these measures constitute the first experimental step a path of welfare reform. There remain, however, that measures for the limited amount and to the imprecision of the technical design, reflected the desire to capture a successful image of the intention to significantly alleviate the plight of the poor.


The government presented last week of November, two nuovistrumenti support to household incomes:
- a card purchases per month for families in extreme poverty (social card) (1)
- a one-off allowance in varying amounts between € 200 and one thousand for the famiglie a basso reddito di lavoratori dipendenti e pensionati (bonus famiglie) (2)

Non è facile dare una valutazione sintetica delle due misure dal punto di vista delle politiche redistributive, soprattutto perché ilbonus, il più consistente dei due, ha un carattere ibrido. Presentato come misura anti-crisi temporanea e non ripetibile, potrebbe ciononostante costituire, per le sue caratteristiche, un esperimento suscettibile di ulteriori sviluppi, nell’ambito di un nuovo approccio alla politica della famiglia e alla riforma del Welfare . Considerando il lungo e accidentato percorso di introduzione del Minimo Vitale in Italia, e in particolare le inesistenti o inconsistenti iniziative anti-povertà delle due previous legislatures, it is a (small) step in the right direction. Lasocial card, obviously, an integration of private charity for patients and families with low income, not useless in itself. Compared to the bonus, the monthly recurrence is to be welcomed, not one-off dispensing. The social card has, however, in terms of selection of beneficiaries, some glaring defects: first, the exclusion of the families of foreigners registered at the registry (the bonus, correctly, it is intended for all residents).
While many observers have criticized these days the small amounts of the two benefits (total and for individual families is addressed) This article comes on the merits of the design of the two measures, putting forward a hypothesis at the end of work (Family Credit) for a possible future extension desirable, on a recurring basis, support to families with low incomes (3).

SOCIAL CARD: it excludes foreigners and four year old?

the low amount (40 Euros per month) and the imprecision of the technical design, social card seems to reflect more the desire to capture an image on the easy success of the previous government that the intention to significantly alleviate the conditions of poor. The social card has three times the amount in fact a 'bonus said sums being insufficient' of former government. However, this is only one euro and 33 cents a day compared with about 42 cents del'bonus said sums being insufficient '. For families without income, in both cases it is a modest figure compared to the minimum essential needs.
Despite this, it is not obvious that this is a useless tool. Realistically, its true efficacy must be evaluated with careful monitoring of its use, especially in relation to the possible relationship of integration / substitution of private charity, which is likely to shrink during periods of recession. It will be good also carefully monitor the possible effects of crowding, though not a priori seem likely, given the amount minimum, that the social card have disincentive effects on private charity.
A major defect of the social card is the audience of beneficiaries moltoristrettae selected in an arbitrary and categorical. Poor families who have no home at least one child under three years will have nothing. Equally unjustifiable on ethical grounds, the exclusion of poor foreigners even if they are duly registered at. This plus households relatively more vulnerable to the effects of the crisis. Finally, the amount of social card only imperfectly taken into account the different needs of families, creating problems equitàverticale and horizontal. For example, with the same income families with twins one year of age will double the amount to another with a son a year and a four. The income threshold, at least, properly takes account of household composition, as measured by income is equivalent ISEE (4).
Even zeroing "sudden" above the income threshold, or to the absence of requirements, it is a glaring flaw: for poor families, the third birthday of the youngest child will be a day to forget. The same happens if an adult family member gets a limited amount of temporary income.


The selection of beneficiaries del bonus è più razionale rispetto a quanto previsto dalla social card. Destinata a famiglie che possiedono esclusivamente redditi da lavoro dipendente e da pensione (compresi quelli ‘assimilati’ dei lavoratori autonomi parasubordinati), non discrimina l’accesso a discutibili criteri anagrafici, come l’età dei minori, e include, come si è detto, gli stranieri residenti. Tuttavia, il testo del decreto sembra escludere i single che non sono titolari di reddito da pensione. Se questa interpretazione è corretta, si tratta di una discriminazione di cui non sono chiare le motivazioni.

Gli importi del bonus variano fra le diverse tipologie familiari in modo grosso modo coerente con la linea di povertà ufficiale per il 2007, con una copertura leggermente inferiore al 3% per tutte le famiglie con meno di sei persone e del 4% circa per quelle di sei componenti (5). Lesoglie di reddito, tuttavia, utilizzano una scala di equivalenza arbitraria, diversa da quella dell’ISEE e abbastanza imprecisa: non vi è differenza nel passaggio da due a tre componenti e in quello da quattro a cinque. Così, da un lato il beneficio raggiunge anche persone “quasi povere”, leggermente al di sopra della linea di povertà, che vivono in famiglie con meno di quattro componenti (ed è un bene che sia così), incoherently excludes the other part of the poor families of five or more people. Despite these inaccuracies
very low amount, the bonus is finally introduced on a national scale, even for a single month, a specific tool and universal support to poverty. In practice, it is a possible prototype of the minimum subsistence, which is currently in force only in some local areas, with different criteria for selecting beneficiaries and modulation of benefits conditioned on available financial resources (6). Moreover, the system of bonus welcomes in principle the need to alleviate the tax burden for families of employees and pensioners low-income, starting to fix one of the most obvious anomalies in the Italian tax system. For these reasons, it is a major innovation, which includes the suggestions made by the debate over the past years.


course, the extension of the bonus the entire duration of the year looks very expensive, especially in comparison to the paltry sums allocated to fight poverty in the previous two terms (6). The expense is even more expensive, even foolhardy, given the known public finance conditions. However, this is a financial prudence only apparent, because it disregards the costs che la disuguaglianza e la povertà non contrastate provocano nel tempo, in termini di mancata crescita (7). La stabilità dei tassi di povertà relativa a fronte di un consistente aumento dell’occupazione, in associazione ad una crescita insufficiente dell’output, fanno sospettare che la distribuzione disarmonica del carico tributario e, soprattutto, il mancato sostegno dei redditi più bassi costituiscano da tempo un serio ostacolo alla crescita dell’economia italiana. Anche per quanto riguarda il necessario riassetto del welfare (auspicato dal dibattito e mai compiutamente realizzato), è chiara la convenienza di progettare per il futuro una trasformazione del bonus e della social card (correggendone i difetti) in uno strumento permanente e regolare di sostegno dei poveri e di redistribuzione del reddito. Oltretutto, si tratterebbe per molti versi di un’applicazione, limitata ai redditi bassi e medio-bassi, del principio della tassazione familiare dei redditi.
Un disegno flessibile del Minimo Vitale, d’altra parte, consentirebbe una sua implementazione graduale e progressiva, rendendo sufficientemente governabile il processo di transizione a regime. Anlalizziamo alcuni aspetti matematici del Minimo Vitale, per illustrarne sia le caratteristiche desiderabili, sia l’estrema flessibilità.


Una possibile implementazione del Minimo Vitale è l’attribuzione alle famiglie di un credito refundable tax, that is a negative income families. In the following the benefit formula is calculated as the difference between a fixed income threshold M and the Y family income, both "modulated" by the parameters a, k and b:

Family Credit = akm - by

The policymakers choose the threshold M, which indicates the maximum amount of benefit for a family of one component. This amount will differ according to families of different composition and abundance on a scale of equivalence (in the formula: the value of parametrok). The parameter to , generally equal to one, may be increased for families in particular severe hardship, which can not be taken into account in the equivalence scales (for example, people with disabilities). The parameter b , less than one, is chosen in order to graduate the reduction of the benefit as income increases, mitigating the effects of disincentives to work.
To give a concrete example, using the modified OECD equivalence scale (1 for first adult, 0.5 for each additional adult, 0.3 for each child under 14 years) policymakers might choose the following parameters: M = 6.000 ; to = 1; b = 0.6. With this configuration, a single you will have the following schedule of benefici:

Mentre, per una famiglia di due adulti con un figlio minore, si avrà:

Per ulteriori esempi, si può utilizzare il foglio di Microsoft Excel allegato .

(*) L’articolo riflette opinioni personali e non coinvolge la responsabilità dell’Istat

(1) Per i dettagli, vedere le pagine dedicate alla social card on the website of the Ministry of Economy (This article is based on information found on November 28, 2008) and Article 81 of Decree-Law June 25, 2008.
(2) The bonus families is described in a decree of November 28, 2008 .
(3) On the redistributive effects of the two measures and budgetary cf. on the contributions of Boeri, Baldini and Pellegrino and Mountains.
(4) See the page devoted to the calculation of INPS ' ISEE .
(5) For poverty line 2007 cf. Istat ( 2008), pg. 10.
(6) For a review, although not very up to date, the nature of welfare measures applied in Italy can be found in S. Spirit 2003, Istat Documents Series, No. 3, 2003, Rome.
(7) On the removal of poverty made by political, cf. Saraceno (2007 )
(8) The positive effects of equality in terms of economic growth are well known to scholars, cf. Eicher, T. S and SJ Turnovsky (eds. 2003), "Inequality and Growth ", MIT Press, Boston (in particular the contribution of Bourguignon, F., "The Growth Elasticity of Poverty Reduction: Explaining heterogeneity across Countries and Time Periods ").

Hairstylist Thank You

Investment or Gamble?

Good evening to all, will speak this evening of our last idea: the Parimai Inve stments. From a legal standpoint, is nothing more than an agreement between friends who share a bit of savings and securities accounts for investing. It is a few thousand euro. Somebody has been attacked, saying that it is not a good time to take a position on the market. Well, then, when would be a right time? When the market is stable and the shares are listed with prices more or less truthful? We think not. We decided to invest in an ETF, SGAM ETF Leveraged S & P / MIB Index (ISIN: FR0010446658), who takes advantage of the diversification on the one hand, given the price based on prices of all the Italian stock market, the other would take advantage of any rise in prices with a lever to 200%. It is true the position is clear: we believe in a general recovery of the real economy will expand soon to the world of street borse.wall very low prices for the bank, but given the risk of system is best to stay away for now The risk of failure of any bank could bring down prices further quotations. Another company is listed in our view ill-Fiat, as it is true that the market Automobile, being perfectly correlated with the economy is in deep crisis, but the company looks strong and healthy. A unique thing is really afraid to talk about the Fiat will come out of the crisis? and if so, how?. Also interesting point sull'azionario emerging countries such as Brazil, India or China, but there are some problems, it is difficult to understand what the real risk is to bind the investment, then there is no exact information about the credit system of the country. Given this analysis, we think and we hope that our investment will produce something, but primarily, because we focus on economic recovery, we hope that things return to their place. Waiting for your comments. Good reading

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sore Cervix Early Pregnancy

Where is the equality between men and women?

Chiara Saraceno, taken from

An age of lower pension penalizes women, ruled the European Court. But to eliminate this disparity is not enough. It should be noted that those who take charge of their family responsibilities have a total working life longer and heavier than men and pay high prices for flights. On this action is needed.

It 's true that, as argued by the European Court in order to Italy, a retirement age lower penalizes women, given the their careers on average shorter and lower salaries than men. To simply equate the pension age for women and men to enable first to recover at least part of the contributory gap with their male colleagues, as proposed by the Minister Brunetta, without changing the same conditions that cause them, may However, to add injustice to injustice, inequality in inequality.


Women, in fact, carry the vast majority of domestic work and care needed to run a family and to allow workers to present themselves every day to work (unpaid). Whereas men are much higher on paid work (and therefore covered by contributions for pension purposes). It 's a visible difference in all ages and family circumstances, as shown in the 2002 ISTAT survey on the use of time (1) . Only among those living alone is attenuated, while vice versa is accentuated among those who live in couples and children. In particular, employed women living in couples with children work for the market on average two hours less than men in similar family situation. But if the labor market is the sum of domestic and care work carried out for the family (including their husbands), the gap is reversed: women have a average working day is longer than one hour and forty minutes. Thus, the employed women with family work loads total on average much more than men employed, but earn less and accumulate less pension wealth, even if they are eligible for an average period longer.
It also added that because of these their family responsibilities - actual or even alleged - not only are women underrepresented in the labor market, but are more susceptible to unemployment than men and are more concentrated in the fixed-term employment relationships . Finally, very often when they retire from the labor market, women continue to provide more or less intensive care work not only to their husbands, but their grandchildren and parents-in-law made dependent on a very old age in a society like ours that lacks both the early childhood services for dependency in old age. As an instrument of reconciliation between paid work and family for their husbands retire (and sometimes even before) the women are transformed into an instrument of reconciliation for their daughters and daughters in law, as well as lenders care for those in the network family is not entirely self-sufficient.

retire at what age?

But the solution is to maintain a different retirement ages. However, not enough either, although it is desirable to reintroduce the flexibility - For women and men in the age-out of the labor market so as was provided by the Dini reform, to enable each individual to choose the trade-off they prefer, or which is best suited to their needs, including use of time and pension level. It should be especially relevant to the conditions that, in fact, produce the income gap between women and men and contribution. First, we need to work hard to eliminate gender discrimination that still exist in the labor market at all levels - from access, forms the contract, career opportunities. Secondly, should be reinforced reconciliation policies, for women and men care services for young children and dependent persons, school time, taking into account the fact that now in most families both parents - or the only parent present - are employed. From this point of view, the reform Gelmini showing the time in elementary school 24 hours is a prime real move in line with this objective (see also this other intervention).

cash contributions

Finally, we need a financial recognition of care work, whether in the form of leave covered by compensation decent form of imputed contributions more substantial ones currently in force. At present only the maternity leave is covered by contributions calculated on the notional salary effective (and only for those who have a regular job). The parental leave, in addition to being compensated in a little more than symbolic (30% of salary and only if taken within three years of the children), giving rise to imputed contributions reduced, even redeem or integrated with voluntary contributions, and a maximum of six months and only for employees who have at least 5 years of history to pay. Note that in the case of contributions for the period of military service (or civilian alternative to military) enough to have had even a single contribution in the period previous service (2) . E 'for this - low pay and little or no imputed contributions - that fathers rarely take parental leave, in fact widening the gap with their mates. At the same time they are caused conditions of inequality between different figures for working mothers and mothers and between those outside the labor market.
Even less is to acknowledge the work of care provided to dependents . Only in the case of a child is not self-sufficient you are entitled to leave up to a maximum of two years, unpaid but covered by a fixed amount of imputed contributions. In the case much more common, care for elderly dependents, the contributions figurative cover no more than 25 days annual leave allowed, and only if the person is not self-sufficient living with the worker / employee. Instead
"compensate" women for their unpaid work unpaid work with a shorter life, but also with a smaller pension wealth, should take note that those who take charge of their family responsibilities have in fact a life Overall work longer and heavier than men, with periods of concentration are often unsustainable, and they pay cheap high. E 'must be tackled on this, aimed at both replacement (using the services) of Recognition (Through paid leave and imputed contributions) care labor savings achieved by raising the retirement age of women. This would also not generally distinguish between "women" and "men" but between those who - man or woman - is activities to care for dependents to age or illness and who is not.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Should I Wear A Nappy To Dentist

Istat, in December recommended new brake inflation

Inflation in December fell to 2.2% from 2.7% in November. On a monthly basis prices fell 0.1%. after -0.4% in November (a decline that occurred from July 1959). These are the new figures released by ISTAT, which also announced a new estimate on an annual basis, the level of consumer prices by ISTAT: +3.3%. In 2007 he was at a +1.8%. The price level, measured over the year, despite the cooling-related decline of crude oil in the second half of the year, has reached levels that were seen since 1996.

It was mainly the energy component to bring down the inflation rate in December. The energy has indeed recorded a decline last month of the economic trend of 2% and 4% (from 3.3% in November). Net of .........
Excerpted from "Il Sole 24 ore"

Sunday, January 4, 2009

What Happen To Jeff Hardy

Cineblog: Circus (Cirk)

Circus ( tsirko , USSR, 1936) by Grigorij Aleksandrov with Lyubov Orlova, Sergei Stoljarov, Vladimir Volodin, Eugenia Melnikova.

Tonight, 1:50, RaiTre

Grigori Aleksandrov was one of the most important collaborators of Eisenstein, with whom he co-directed for example ¡Que viva Mexico! , written entirely by him also. His feature debut takes place in 1934 alone The whole world laughs with , a musical comedy that anticipates the successful Cirque de , secondo film diretto da Aleksandrov due anni dopo.

Presentato con successo a Venezia 63, nell’utilissima retrospettiva Storia segreta del cinema russo , Il circo è stato forse il più apprezzato di tutte le pellicole messe in cartellone. Il perché si nota subito: il divertimento e le capacità tecniche di Aleksandrov non si possono mettere in discussione. Prendendo un po’........ /

Tratto da "CineBlog"

Rascal Mobility Scooter

Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, surprising revelations about the fate of the crew

Ieri la NASA ha pubblicato un rapporto di 400 pagine ( scaricabile qui ) di approfondimento sul disastro del Columbia, che si disintegrò durante the re-entry, killing all seven crew members, the February 1, 2003.

The cause was an impact, which occurred on takeoff with a piece of insulating foam broke off the external fuel tank: the fragment broke the heat shield of the edge of the wing, producing a hole from which hot gases penetrated into the structure of the return wing, merging it to destroy it from within.

The report (partly censored with regard to the personal details of the remains of the astronauts) documents that the crew perished in the sudden loss of oxygen in the cabin and for the impacts caused by the traumatic separation from the rest of the cabin of the vehicle as already discharged from the first survey turn immediately after the disaster, but added that the pilots realized the first signs of failure of the structure about a minute before the disintegration of the airplane and try to correct until the last moment, showing incredible determination.

The decision to publish the report in recent days has been done .........

Taken from the blog "THE DISINFORMATICO"