the Committee of Liberation monetary Bergamo invites you to participate in the 3rd conference on money-debt-inspired studies of Prof. Giacinto Auriti.
TUESDAY 'November 24, 2009 20:45 PM
EUGENIO Benetazzo
at the' Auditorium in San Sisto
(former Church)
Via Vittoria, 1 24126 Bergamo
A crowd
The currency has now lost contact with reality and instead act as a tool in the service economy and the common good, trying to bend reality to their own needs.
The folly of the coin is in fact hard to believe but unfortunately indisputable that money today is born of ownership of the banking system and that states and citizens do not have "their" money at the time of the issue, but they must lend it to those who have a monopoly on its creation, the banks.
This implies that the community will pay each year for the banking system an amount equal to the interest on all the existing money, in exchange for paper and computer input of production cost to zero. The conflict
state-taxpayer, or state-tax evaders, so it is a false conflict and a war between the poor: they are both victims of a neutral currency, promoted and designed by the banking system to its advantage.
necessary to restore health to money, freeing them from the yoke of money-bank debt and set up the ownership of the popular money: money, at the time of its creation, must be then put in the mail states and active citizens and banks should be categorically prohibited to make money from what was clearly nulla.Tutto theorized in the '30s, the height of the crisis of 1929, a great American economist, Irving Fisher, who was pero 'unheard of who was responsible for public affairs.
EUGENIO Benetazzo
is an independent stock trader, with a degree in Business Administration, lives and works between Italy and Malta, is well known in financial circles independent, authoritative thesis advisor to graduate from the arguments very prestigious, the His views often appear in the financial press in the sector. Participate actively
a trasmissioni radiofoniche e televisive su argomenti legati al risparmio gestito ed alla consulenza finanziaria indipendente.
Le sue conferenze con tematiche sulla borsa e gli investimenti sono uniche ed irripetibili per il taglio informativo indipendente ed autonomo.
Eugenio Benetazzo è soprannominato ormai come il Beppe Grillo dell’economia, il suo live show itinerante denominato BLEKGEK (Preparati al peggio) ha toccato ormai numerose piazze italiane ed è stato acclamato a gran voce dalla critica dei principali canali di informazione come un sensazionale ed inedito evento di informazione ed indagine economica finanziaria indipendente.
Con linguaggio semplice e piano, egli ci aiuterà a comprendere nel dettaglio i caratteri della follia Monetary current, its serious adverse impact on quality of life for all of us and finally consider possible solutions.
20:45 to 20:50 Dr. Pierantonio Locatelli,
Logistics Manager section of the Liberation Committee Bergamo
20:50 to 21:00 Dr. Matthew Mazzariol,
Secretary of Bergamo
section of the Liberation Committee Monetary
21:00 to 22:00 Dr. Eugene Benetazzo,
economist and columnist for several
radio broadcasts and television schedules on issues related to money
22:00 to 22:45
Discussion open to the public
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