Liberation Committee of Monetary Bergamo invites you to participate in the 1st conference on money-debt-inspired studies of Prof. Giacinto Auriti.
FRIDAY 'June 5, 2009 20:45 PM
at the House of Young
"Sala degli Angeli"
Via Gavazzeni, 13
24125 Bergamo
REVIEW slavery'?
The title of the conference is "Money-debt: a hidden scam. Stop Banking and Monetary new slavery. "
The initiative is for all citizens and aims to provide data and information around a central element in the lives of us all: money.
We plan to analyze how money is created, who takes it at the time of its production and what are the consequences of that.
'll discover a reality, unfortunately, as real estate and deliberately shocking hidden: all the money today is created as debt of states and citizens in the banking system, there is not money that is owed to banks.
The currency, which at the time of its creation should belong to the people, came into being the property of their bankers, so seriously in breach of the principle of social justice.
This injustice has devastating effects from the economic point of view, pernicious phenomena such as public and private debt, exorbitant taxation, the chronic loss of purchasing power of citizens are in fact logical and direct consequences of the debt-money, which makes it effectively impossible, as we all can see, the realization of a lasting and solid economic prosperity.
E 'of primary importance also to understand that the banking system uses the state as its tax collector, forcing it to borrow and then to collect the amount due from citizens through taxes.
20:45 to 21:00 Dr. Matthew Mazzariol, Secretary of the Section Committee for the Liberation of Bergamo
21:00 to 21:30 Fedrigo Mr. Argo, Entrepreneur and Chairman of the Committee for the Liberation
21.30 - 22:00 Mr. Marco Della Luna, essayist and scholar of economic policy
Author of the book "Euroslaves"
10:00 p.m. to 22:45
Discussion open to the public
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