Monday, February 1, 2010

Wachovia Depositing Checks Into Atm


the Committee of Liberation monetary Bergamo invites you to participate in the 2 ° conference on money-debt-inspired studies of Prof. Giacinto Auriti.

FRIDAY 'October 9, 2009 20:45 PM


at the House of Young
"Sala degli Angeli"
Via Gavazzeni, 13 24125 Bergamo



For money, debt means that all the money now comes as a debt of states and citizens in the banking system.
3% of the existing money 'in fact constituted by the notes produced by various central banks, the most' important of which are owned by 'private. The central banks then sell the notes to the states, with added interest, in exchange for government bonds, thus bringing 'indebtedness of the states themselves.
97% of the money is instead created by commercial banks, according to this simple mechanism: each bank, on receipt of a deposit of € 1000, can 'get a crearne dal nulla il 98%, cioe’ 980, che affida in prestito a terzi, indebitandoli. Questi 980 euro saranno soggetti allo stesso processo, cosi’ che il sistema bancario nel suo complesso sara’ in grado di produrre denaro per un importo pari a 50 volte il deposito iniziale.
Questa realta’ inoppugnabile, oltre che basarsi su un ingiustizia di fondo per cui lo Stato non e’ piu’ padrone della moneta, ha conseguenze socio-economiche molto gravi: il debito pubblico, una tassazione esosa, la carenza di risorse pubbliche, la cronica instabilita’ economica, la perdita del potere di acquisto dei cittadini, la poverta’ nel terzo mondo.
L’Avv. Marco Della Luna, esperto di questioni monetarie, will help us investigate this issue by analyzing how the state will in fact act like a tax collector on behalf of the banking system.


In recent social encyclical, "Caritas in veritate" Pope Benedict XVI reiterated certain key principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church, relating them to current social and economic situation. In the encyclical is so stressed that every business has a moral connotation essential questions that the consciousness of decision makers and establish laws and regulations in the economic field, is pointed out that individual initiative should always be framed against the backdrop of good common that commutative justice is integrated with distributive justice, that finance should be to achieve economic development and can not be contrary to the basic norms of social ethics. In the background is clear and a vision in which reason and faith can enrich and illuminate each other in the common effort towards accession to the truth 'of things, which is not' construction of the human mind but since it was discovered and / or received.
All these considerations, to help improve the daily lives of people, must subsequently embodied in concrete actions and positions taken on the basis of thorough knowledge of the individual problems. Bishop Lino
Casati, Professor of Moral Social at the Seminary of Bergamo, will help us' to deepen the contents of the Social Doctrine of the Church, with special reference to money.


20:45 to 20:50 Dr. Matthew Mazzariol,
Secretary of Bergamo
section of the Liberation Committee Monetary

20:50 to 21:00 Fedrigo Mr. Argo,
President of the National Committee of Liberation

21:00 - 21.30 Mr. Marco Della Luna,
essayist and scholar of economic policy
Author of the book "Euroslaves"

21:30 to 22:00 Bishop Lino Casati,
Professor of Social Ethics at the
Seminary of Bergamo

22:00 to 22:45
Discussion open to the public

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