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The strong relationship between rural communities and case results in an important virtuous circle, in which savings are managed by the bank that has obtained the confidence of and investors who finance the businesses of the community. The money saved by customers thirty, shall not be paid to distant institutions or projects that have nothing to do with the business community itself but to the Trentino, which subsequently generate profits, more jobs and therefore more consumption and savings. And all this without considering that part of the profits bank should be reinvested in the territory in charitable activities and useful to society. This creates a double dividend going to impact positively on the economy of the place. This is not true for traditional banks, which having no localistic principle holds that, under no obligation to reinvest the savings in the area that generated them, and then the double effect is not created.
This system is critical to ensure development and economic growth. The rural banks in Trentino then turn out to be the main driver of economic development. At a distance from the dynamics of international finance Milan Trent responded with the strong cooperation both in
In 2008, despite the dark years of international finance, collection from the customers by the rural banks Trentino was about € 12 billion, an increase of approximately € 1.6 billion. This allowed delivery of funds amounting to about € 11.2 billion, an enormous amount of money that has allowed the economy to withstand financial stress thirty of this period
Regarding Instead, the charity that has more impact we can easily guessed dire che in generale nel 2008 sono stati erogati €21,7 Mln, in diminuzione di circa il 10% rispetto all’anno precedente.
Le voci che hanno subito un taglio maggiore sono state quelle i cui beneficiari finali erano i soci, ovvero “Promozione e Sviluppo cooperativo” e le “Attività ricreative a favore dei soci”, mentre tutte le altre voci sono cresciute, soprattutto l’istituzione di borse di studio e i finanziamenti alla formazione dei giovani trentini. Grandi donazioni anche alla protezione civile locale e allo sport trentino. Importante anche l’iniziativa di istituire polizze assicurative gratuite per i meno abbienti.
Let's see how any such initiative strengthens the relationship with the community and this is also important because it can dilute what are the antipathy to the banks. In Trentino, the bank has a very important social and economic function, perhaps more than in other areas of 'Italy.