Monetary Justice invites you to attend the 6th conference on money-debt-inspired studies of Prof. Giacinto Auriti.
FRIDAY 'February 25, 2011 20:45 PM
at The Literary Cafe
Via S. Bernardino, 53 24126 Bergamo
TITLE: "Who is 'the euro?" - download the invitation -
From 1 January 2002 the euro came into circulation as legal tender in Italy and in other eleven European countries (Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Finland, Greece).
Over the years, have joined five other nations (Cyprus, Malta, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia), bringing to 328 million the number of people who currently use the currency.
This process of unification has been accompanied by a large and often bitter debate within countries. Important nations such as England and Sweden, have chosen not to adopt this currency.
It is however ironic that all those who have taken a position for or against the euro, have never raised what we believe is' the fundamental question, namely: to whom and 'the euro?
It is indeed an enormous challenge: the only notes totaled approximately 790 billion. They make up 9% of the existing money in euro. About 8.7 trillion rather represent money scriptural or virtual created by commercial banks as a debt to citizens, companies or states. Begs the question: who is the euro means then ask who were the owners of € 9.5 trillion now existing at the time they were issued.
It 's not just a question! There is no sphere of our lives - from work to leisure, from present to future - which is deeply influenced by the response to this question.
La questione non è certo di natura contabile ma investe primariamente la dimensione del diritto e della giustizia distributiva.
Per questo abbiamo invitato a parlarne l’Avv. Antonio Pimpini, che ha collaborato per anni con il Prof. Giacinto Auriti e con lui ha condiviso numerose battaglie per riportare il denaro ad essere strumento di prosperità e benessere invece che di sperequazione sociale ed indebitamento, come avviene oggi.
Il nostro obiettivo è pertanto quello di porre all’attenzione del pubblico bergamasco questa importante tematica, nella speranza che il discuterne aiuti a comprendere più a fondo le radici del malessere economico-sociale attuale e soprattutto possa indicare la strada per un suo superamento.
20:45 to 20:50 Dr. Pierantonio Locatelli
Secretary of Justice Monetary
20:50 to 21:20 Dr. Matthew Mazzariol
President of Justice Monetary
21:00 to 22:00 Attorney Antonio Pimpini
Disciple of Prof. Giacinto Auriti and expert of Simec
(symbol value of econometric led)
22:00 to 22:45
Discussion open to the public 22:45 to 23:00
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