World news alpine
Carried by
new speed record on the rope on the Eiger North Wall . They did mark the Swiss and Italian Schäli Roger Simon Gietl, climbed on top along the Heckmair in 4 hours and 25 minutes, or with 40 minutes less than the previous record of 5 hours and 3 minutes held last autumn by Ueli Steck and Bruno Schläppi.
The two mountaineers climbed on top of the Eiger North Face, the famous peak of 3974 meters in the Swiss Alps, on 9 February. They left at 9 o'clock, and reached the summit at 13.25.
Ps who has read at least one book about the Eiger can make his points!!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Caught Smell Mother Foot
GPS Tracks
Leandro sent me the track of his GPS, which refers to alpine skiing last Sunday on the Sas de UNDESA. We have gone around in a clockwise direction. Downhill track is confusing.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wedding Program - Mother Alive Father Deceased
Day Medal of white
was a long time we thought the other day and we did it: bring the boys middle school-Livinallongo to ski in and ski Marmolada Arabba. A successful day thanks to the good behavior of students and the great hospitality encountered in the shelters.
In pictures: the boys in the top of the Marmolada (Punta Rocca mountain station 3285 m)
was a long time we thought the other day and we did it: bring the boys middle school-Livinallongo to ski in and ski Marmolada Arabba. A successful day thanks to the good behavior of students and the great hospitality encountered in the shelters.
In pictures: the boys in the top of the Marmolada (Punta Rocca mountain station 3285 m)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
What Does Ringworm Look Like When It Healing
Una bella medaglia per la squadra azzurra di sci alpino ai mondiali di Garmisch: Bronzo nello slalom per Manfred Moelgg. Visto che sono iscritto al Fan Club Moelgg non potevo non riportare la notizia. Bravo Manfred!!!
Una bella medaglia per la squadra azzurra di sci alpino ai mondiali di Garmisch: Bronzo nello slalom per Manfred Moelgg. Visto che sono iscritto al Fan Club Moelgg non potevo non riportare la notizia. Bravo Manfred!!!
Anime Mixed Wrestling Art
A descent from the interesting
Che bella giornata quella di oggi. Il meteo ha concesso una bella finestra di tempo stabile con buona visibilità. Obiettivo del giorno il "Sas de le Undes" (2550 m) nei pressi di Pozza di Fassa. Viste le ottime condizioni del manto nevoso la discesa è stata effettuata lungo il versante North Fork starting Valacia. A beautiful descent, the most beautiful of the season, second best in the last two winters.
Che bella giornata quella di oggi. Il meteo ha concesso una bella finestra di tempo stabile con buona visibilità. Obiettivo del giorno il "Sas de le Undes" (2550 m) nei pressi di Pozza di Fassa. Viste le ottime condizioni del manto nevoso la discesa è stata effettuata lungo il versante North Fork starting Valacia. A beautiful descent, the most beautiful of the season, second best in the last two winters.
de Cima Sas of the UNDESA (satisfied)
cornices first fork
down the fork Valacia
The technique and the determination of Leandro
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
How To Get Bearings Out Of A Metal Core Wheel
News Northwest
reported about a large company that has been climbing silently materialized before our eyes on the northwest wall of the Civetta.
of Valseschini That is the first solo winter ascent of the famous Via dei five Valmadrera. 1350 meters with difficulties and A3 + VI opened in 1972 in winter, the big brothers Gianni and Antonio Rusconi with Gianbattista Crimella, Giambattista Villa and Giorgio Tessari. All 5 of Valmadrera village of Lecco, in fact. A great way - just as those who venture to the great north west of the Owl can be. A line that insinuates itself between the traditional ways of the "Dihedral-Philipp Flamm," and the "Way of Friends" opened by Reinhold Messner, Heini Holzer, Sepp Mayerl and Renato Royal in 1967. A line that, not surprisingly, has very few repetitions. That of John Ruskin, Gianbattista Crimella, Paolo Crippa Butti and Moses in the summer of 1983. Then that of Moretto and Claudio Buffa Rosy was succeeded in 2003 the first solo by Nico Rizzotto in 2004. And then this first winter, fourth and fifth repeat ascent absolute Fabio Valseschini that saw him emerge on top February 13 around 13.00.
; Photos taken the day of the Owl February 10, 2011
reported about a large company that has been climbing silently materialized before our eyes on the northwest wall of the Civetta.
Sunday, February 13 mountaineers Lecco Fabio Valseschini after seven camps in the wall, made the first solo winter ascent of the great street of the five Valmadrera (1350m, VI A3 +) on the northwest wall of the Civetta (Dolomites). Today, after an eighth camp below the summit, Valseschini has completed his business going down the normal.
of Valseschini That is the first solo winter ascent of the famous Via dei five Valmadrera. 1350 meters with difficulties and A3 + VI opened in 1972 in winter, the big brothers Gianni and Antonio Rusconi with Gianbattista Crimella, Giambattista Villa and Giorgio Tessari. All 5 of Valmadrera village of Lecco, in fact. A great way - just as those who venture to the great north west of the Owl can be. A line that insinuates itself between the traditional ways of the "Dihedral-Philipp Flamm," and the "Way of Friends" opened by Reinhold Messner, Heini Holzer, Sepp Mayerl and Renato Royal in 1967. A line that, not surprisingly, has very few repetitions. That of John Ruskin, Gianbattista Crimella, Paolo Crippa Butti and Moses in the summer of 1983. Then that of Moretto and Claudio Buffa Rosy was succeeded in 2003 the first solo by Nico Rizzotto in 2004. And then this first winter, fourth and fifth repeat ascent absolute Fabio Valseschini that saw him emerge on top February 13 around 13.00.
; Photos taken the day of the Owl February 10, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Pain Above Left Waist
E 'spent just over a month since I've been home from Argentina and Danilo and the echo of what was experienced on the mountain is still alive among those who have followed the our adventure. It 'nice to meet people asking you how you are, how you feel, who want to know how it happened or what could be better.
The other day I received a letter from a gentleman of Treviso in which we do not know the identity. A beautiful letter written to the old typewriter, the address on the envelope was very simple and bore the inscription: Gianpaolo Soratroi - member of the Mountain Rescue - Livinallongo.
This is the letter from a man who cultivates an interest in mountaineering activities outside Europe with the collection of postal documents (postcards "travel" or less). In the recent past, he says, "I was able to retrieve the return of the IBC 2005 Aconcagua (IBCs are Agordo ed) a postcard mailed from Mendoza to commemorate the expedition."
then concludes: "Grateful if with your new programs anticipated me climbing outside Europe initiatives in the pipeline, eg. In its environment in mountain rescue, Agordino ..."
A nice letter word.
E 'spent just over a month since I've been home from Argentina and Danilo and the echo of what was experienced on the mountain is still alive among those who have followed the our adventure. It 'nice to meet people asking you how you are, how you feel, who want to know how it happened or what could be better.
The other day I received a letter from a gentleman of Treviso in which we do not know the identity. A beautiful letter written to the old typewriter, the address on the envelope was very simple and bore the inscription: Gianpaolo Soratroi - member of the Mountain Rescue - Livinallongo.
This is the letter from a man who cultivates an interest in mountaineering activities outside Europe with the collection of postal documents (postcards "travel" or less). In the recent past, he says, "I was able to retrieve the return of the IBC 2005 Aconcagua (IBCs are Agordo ed) a postcard mailed from Mendoza to commemorate the expedition."
then concludes: "Grateful if with your new programs anticipated me climbing outside Europe initiatives in the pipeline, eg. In its environment in mountain rescue, Agordino ..."
A nice letter word.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Why Is Puppy's Pee Clear?
A top in the clouds
The Dürrenstein (m 2839) has not been generous with Cai Agordo this time either. Almost always provides an excursion into the mist. No view from the top: The Three Peaks, the Croda Rossa d'Ampezzo and the Dolomites of Sesto remained a mirage.
enclose a group photo and a photo-timer on the top of the Dürrenstein taken last Sunday by Misurina.
The Dürrenstein (m 2839) has not been generous with Cai Agordo this time either. Almost always provides an excursion into the mist. No view from the top: The Three Peaks, the Croda Rossa d'Ampezzo and the Dolomites of Sesto remained a mirage.
enclose a group photo and a photo-timer on the top of the Dürrenstein taken last Sunday by Misurina.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Thin Kneepads For Dance
Monte Pore
Yesterday morning I was on Mount Pore (2405 m) from the road to Falzarego. In fact, I needed to take some photos from the top to create an image 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees. The reason? I'll get when the time comes.
Yesterday morning I was on Mount Pore (2405 m) from the road to Falzarego. In fact, I needed to take some photos from the top to create an image 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees. The reason? I'll get when the time comes.
Is It Expensive To Remove A Hernia On A Cat
Monetary Justice invites you to attend the 6th conference on money-debt-inspired studies of Prof. Giacinto Auriti.
TITLE: "Who is 'the euro?" - download the invitation -
From 1 January 2002 the euro came into circulation as legal tender in Italy and in other eleven European countries (Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Finland, Greece).
Over the years, have joined five other nations (Cyprus, Malta, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia), bringing to 328 million the number of people who currently use the currency.
This process of unification has been accompanied by a large and often bitter debate within countries. Important nations such as England and Sweden, have chosen not to adopt this currency.
It is however ironic that all those who have taken a position for or against the euro, have never raised what we believe is' the fundamental question, namely: to whom and 'the euro?
It is indeed an enormous challenge: the only notes totaled approximately 790 billion. They make up 9% of the existing money in euro. About 8.7 trillion rather represent money scriptural or virtual created by commercial banks as a debt to citizens, companies or states. Begs the question: who is the euro means then ask who were the owners of € 9.5 trillion now existing at the time they were issued.
It 's not just a question! There is no sphere of our lives - from work to leisure, from present to future - which is deeply influenced by the response to this question.
La questione non è certo di natura contabile ma investe primariamente la dimensione del diritto e della giustizia distributiva.
Per questo abbiamo invitato a parlarne l’Avv. Antonio Pimpini, che ha collaborato per anni con il Prof. Giacinto Auriti e con lui ha condiviso numerose battaglie per riportare il denaro ad essere strumento di prosperità e benessere invece che di sperequazione sociale ed indebitamento, come avviene oggi.
Il nostro obiettivo è pertanto quello di porre all’attenzione del pubblico bergamasco questa importante tematica, nella speranza che il discuterne aiuti a comprendere più a fondo le radici del malessere economico-sociale attuale e soprattutto possa indicare la strada per un suo superamento.
20:45 to 20:50 Dr. Pierantonio Locatelli
Secretary of Justice Monetary
20:50 to 21:20 Dr. Matthew Mazzariol
President of Justice Monetary
21:00 to 22:00 Attorney Antonio Pimpini
Disciple of Prof. Giacinto Auriti and expert of Simec
(symbol value of econometric led)
22:00 to 22:45
Discussion open to the public 22:45 to 23:00
Monetary Justice invites you to attend the 6th conference on money-debt-inspired studies of Prof. Giacinto Auriti.
FRIDAY 'February 25, 2011 20:45 PM
at The Literary Cafe
Via S. Bernardino, 53 24126 Bergamo
TITLE: "Who is 'the euro?" - download the invitation -
From 1 January 2002 the euro came into circulation as legal tender in Italy and in other eleven European countries (Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Finland, Greece).
Over the years, have joined five other nations (Cyprus, Malta, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia), bringing to 328 million the number of people who currently use the currency.
This process of unification has been accompanied by a large and often bitter debate within countries. Important nations such as England and Sweden, have chosen not to adopt this currency.
It is however ironic that all those who have taken a position for or against the euro, have never raised what we believe is' the fundamental question, namely: to whom and 'the euro?
It is indeed an enormous challenge: the only notes totaled approximately 790 billion. They make up 9% of the existing money in euro. About 8.7 trillion rather represent money scriptural or virtual created by commercial banks as a debt to citizens, companies or states. Begs the question: who is the euro means then ask who were the owners of € 9.5 trillion now existing at the time they were issued.
It 's not just a question! There is no sphere of our lives - from work to leisure, from present to future - which is deeply influenced by the response to this question.
La questione non è certo di natura contabile ma investe primariamente la dimensione del diritto e della giustizia distributiva.
Per questo abbiamo invitato a parlarne l’Avv. Antonio Pimpini, che ha collaborato per anni con il Prof. Giacinto Auriti e con lui ha condiviso numerose battaglie per riportare il denaro ad essere strumento di prosperità e benessere invece che di sperequazione sociale ed indebitamento, come avviene oggi.
Il nostro obiettivo è pertanto quello di porre all’attenzione del pubblico bergamasco questa importante tematica, nella speranza che il discuterne aiuti a comprendere più a fondo le radici del malessere economico-sociale attuale e soprattutto possa indicare la strada per un suo superamento.
20:45 to 20:50 Dr. Pierantonio Locatelli
Secretary of Justice Monetary
20:50 to 21:20 Dr. Matthew Mazzariol
President of Justice Monetary
21:00 to 22:00 Attorney Antonio Pimpini
Disciple of Prof. Giacinto Auriti and expert of Simec
(symbol value of econometric led)
22:00 to 22:45
Discussion open to the public 22:45 to 23:00
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Woman Doctor Checks Penis
Previdenti per Natura
12 marzo: “Il microcredito: piccola somma, grandeopportunità".
Il microcredito è uno strumento creditizio di inclusione finanziaria e opportunità di riscatto perle persone escluse dai canali bancari tradizionali.
Al via l'iniziativa di alfabetizzazione bancaria e orientamento al credito promosso dal comune di Milano - Settore Lavoro e Occupazione - e PerMicro.
Nella cornice di Villa Scheibler, Via felice Orsini 21, si terranno incontri individuali e di gruppo completamente gratuiti. I rischi del sovraindebitamento sono sempre più frequenti ed emerge dunque la necessità di diffondere una cultura volta all'uso responsabile del denaro e degli strumenti finanziari.
Nello specifico gli incontri si svolgeranno sui seguenti temi:
Nello specifico gli incontri si svolgeranno sui seguenti temi:
“Gli strumenti finanziari più comuni:maneggiare con cura”
12 febbraio: Conoscere le caratteristiche dei principali strumenti finanziari aiuta a scegliere il più adatto.
19 febbraio: Mantenere uno stile di vita sostenibile previene i rischi dell’indebitamento.
12 marzo: “Il microcredito: piccola somma, grandeopportunità".
Il microcredito è uno strumento creditizio di inclusione finanziaria e opportunità di riscatto perle persone escluse dai canali bancari tradizionali.
19 marzo: “Il mutuo, tasso fisso o variabile?”
Essere informati sulle sue caratteristiche aiuterà a scegliere consapevolmente il mutuo più adatto.
Essere informati sulle sue caratteristiche aiuterà a scegliere consapevolmente il mutuo più adatto.
“Evitare il sovraindebitamento esapere come uscirne”
16 aprile: Pianificare responsabilmente l’indebitamento allontana le difficoltà di rimborso in caso di imprevisti.
30 aprile: Riconoscere i segnali del sovraindebitamento e sfruttare gli strumenti per uscirne.
14 maggio: “Il mutuo, tasso fisso o variabile?”
Essere informati sulle sue caratteristiche aiuterà a scegliere consapevolmente il mutuo più adatto.
Essere informati sulle sue caratteristiche aiuterà a scegliere consapevolmente il mutuo più adatto.
21 maggio: “Gli strumenti finanziari più comuni: maneggiare con cura”
Mantenere uno stile di vita sostenibile previene i rischi dell’indebitamento.
Scarica l'invito per maggiori informazioni.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
How Do I Get Rid Of Rash Between Boobs
Cadini Misurina
A perfect day for ski touring. At dawn, an incredible sight from the sky with a fiery Falzarego then a good climb to the Rifugio Città di Carpi Misurina, Fork Snow and back down to Misurina. We have not reached a peak, but the routes "Ring" have their charm. But now it takes about 50 cm of fresh snow to make nice descents. Maybe ask enough but not too much.
A perfect day for ski touring. At dawn, an incredible sight from the sky with a fiery Falzarego then a good climb to the Rifugio Città di Carpi Misurina, Fork Snow and back down to Misurina. We have not reached a peak, but the routes "Ring" have their charm. But now it takes about 50 cm of fresh snow to make nice descents. Maybe ask enough but not too much.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Fireflies Ron Pope Sheet Music Free
Red sky at night on the detour
Beautiful sunset tonight. From base camp on the Col di Lana Marmolada a fiery promises a beautiful day tomorrow.
Beautiful sunset tonight. From base camp on the Col di Lana Marmolada a fiery promises a beautiful day tomorrow.
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