We will see how she was born and how it has developed the case law around the theme of co-operative society and more directly on BCC.
The entrance of the Italian legal cooperative phenomenon occurred over a century ago, precisely with the Commercial Code of 1882. It must be said, however, that in that piece of legislation was not even referring to the mutuality of cooperatives and arranged to differentiate them from other companies based on taking the variability of the share capital of the first
It 's only with the approval of the Civil Code of 1942 which states that the purpose of health insurance is the most important distinguishing feature of cooperatives compared to other companies. About what you said decisively that the purpose of health insurance is the cornerstone of a functional nature that underlie the legal framework of cooperatives
The Code they are well regulated under Title VI of the Book of Job, where , art. 2511 provides: << Co-operatives are companies with variable capital mutual objects registered with the register of cooperative societies in art. 2512, second paragraph, and art. 223 sexiesdecies for the implementation of the provisions of the Civil Code >> (Article amended by art. 10, paragraph 1, L. 23 July 2009 No. 99). The mutual aim is reiterated immediately after art. 2515, paragraph 2, Civil Code., Which in turn provides: << The index of cooperation can not be used by companies that do not have health insurance>>.
E 'therefore in the mutual interest, and actual condition This legal form of organization, which normally s'individua the essential character of the cooperative. It s'impressero two characterizations: the first is said that there was mutual aim when cooperative members were moved by the lens to become direct users of the economic activity undertaken by their companies, with the second it was stated that there was also a view Mutual when most of the cooperative had taken place with shareholders. The two phases described above were often combined with other definitions which suddistingueva the mutual aim. About the first of the two characterizations are talking about abstract purpose mutual while the second was used with reference to the practice mutual goal.
must be said that subsequent legislation has swept both of these points.
With more direct reference to the BCC should be noted that their first timid appearance in Italian law dating back to 1887 (under the regulations of agricultural credit). But it was only in 1932 that saw the launch of the first regulatory organica. Benché, in ogni caso, non si parlasse di scopo mutualistico, il più utilizzato fra gli Statuti di BCC era quello elaborato da don Luigi Cerutti uno dei pionieri del credito cooperativo italiano che stabiliva che questo tipo di cooperative dovessero esercitare la loro attività soltanto con i soci.
Con la L. 6 giugno 1932 n. 656 venne stabilito che ciascuna banca dovesse essere composta da almeno l’80% di agricoltori e artigiani, avere per oggetto reale l’esercizio del credito agrario, impiegare le risorse disponibili per attività attinenti l’agricoltura, preferibilmente dei soci, e infine operare solo nel Comune ove aveva la sede.
Altre leggi che incisero sulla nozione di scopo mutualistico furono il r.d. 26 agosto 1937 n. 1706 (TUCRA) e poi la L. 4 agosto 1955 n. 707.
Venendo al diritto vigente, esso è segnato dal d. lgs. 1° settembre 1993 n. 385 che abrogò il TUCRA e prevalse sulla disciplina codicistica dettata dagli artt. 2511 e segg.
In questi ultimi articolati normativi, ai fini del presente lavoro, emerge che la compagine sociale deve essere costituita solo da soci cooperatori che devono risiedere, avere sede ovvero operare with continuity in territory jurisdiction of the bank ( art. 34, paragraph 2, TUB).
E 'So thanks to the banking law that the "territorial jurisdiction" becomes the fundamental precept of conjunction between business banking and mutuality.
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